Sunday, February 15, 2015

Chapter 9: Catcher In the Rye

In this chapter Holden is at pen station trying to find someone to call at a pay phone. His brother D.B is in Hollywood, his younger sister he does not want to call because he knows his parents will pick up the phone, he can't call Jane because her mother and his are very close , and his other friend Sally her mother thinks he is a wild boy. So he ends up not calling anyone and taking a cab to a hotel , in the cab he tries to make a conversation with the cab driver but he seems as if he doesn't want to talk.  When he gets to his hotel room he looks across from his window he sees a man dressing up like a women , and  a couple spitting water at each other.Holden begins to feel aroused, so he calls Faith Cavendish, a wild girl recommended to him by a boy he met at a party, and tries to make a date with her to get cocktails. She says no its to late and she has work the next day she offers to meet up the next night but Holden says no thanks because in reality does not want to wait

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